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Tuesday 9 June 2015

The Lizard lifeboatman to complete 900-mile solo sailing challenge

A MEMBER of the Lizard lifeboat crew is taking part in the Jester Baltimore Challenge single-handed yacht race from Plymouth to Baltimore in Ireland. Simon Fayers will then sail to a position just off the continental shelf, a round trip of almost 900 nautical miles, in his 26ft yacht. Simon, 53 and an experienced sailor who owns his yacht, Shebeca, has been a member of the lifeboat crew for years. He has taken part in a number of single-handed races but this time he will be completing his challenge without any electronic navigational aids, only using a sextant and compass. Mr Fayers hopes to complete the challenge in less than ten days, during which he will be celebrating his 54th birthday. He is also raising money for the lifeboat and the Fishermen's Mission. He said: "I've wanted to sail out to the continental shelf, where there's little commercial shipping, for a long time. "I always thought it would be really good to learn how to navigate using only a sextant, and this challenge was what spurred me on. "As a lifeboat crew member we get called to yachts which have been disabled and are unable to use their electronic navigational aids. "I think it's great to be able to use just the basics of a sextant, compass and chart." He is due to leave the Helford River on board Shebeca on Wednesday to sail to Plymouth before the race starts on June 14. Donations can be made at www.uk.virgingivingmoney.com/simonfayers

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