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Monday 15 November 2021

GP14 End of Seasons Championship at Royal Windermere Yacht Club

 23 boats, including three from Ireland, made the trip to Royal Windermere Yacht Club for the GP14 End of Season Championship. There were some concerns as to whether the event could even go ahead in the week leading up to it as heavy rain had raised the lake level by 2 metres. Royal Windermere did an amazing job of marking out the submerged jetties, providing additional people in drysuits to aid with launching and recovery and finding a stand in OOD for day 1 as the original OOD was stranded by the floodwater just to make the event possible.

A huge thank you to Royal Windermere for going to so much effort to make us welcome and for making the event possible. Thanks also go to Vanessa Devereux and her team for organising the event in tricky circumstances Covid has created. Finally, it was great to see so many boats on the water and catch up with everyone. It would be great to see as many, if not more, of you out on the circuit in 2022.

Quote from Jon Chapman an occasional GPer in his second National Competition "We are not regular GP sailors and we were impressed to see how competitive the fleet were across a broad spectrum of age, crew weight, boat type. Quite different to many other classes where crew weight, age and fitness is as important as sailing ability in getting to the front. "

David Lawson & Mike Fairlamb won the event from Russ & Ali Cormack and Sam Watson & Geoff Edwards. The Silver fleet was won by Richard Thompson & Simon McVey with John Richardson & Harry Frith 2nd and Jon Chapman & Tony Wilcock third in their first event away from Budworth. Winners of the bronze fleet were Tomasz Szakola & Chris Lomax with Chris Hearn & Caroline Cawood second and Jonathon & Sebastian Nagle taking third.

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