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Monday 13 March 2023

Craftinsure Supernova Travellers Series at Cotswold Sailing Club

 The Craftinsure Supernova Travellers Event at Cotswold SC was held on the 11th March. Despite the forecast looking dreadful all week, and many regulars unable to collect their boats or travel due to the snow, in the end we were lucky to have a cold but not freezing 8-12ks from the south, blowing directly down the lake and 8 visitors braving the journey.

In race 1 Milliner lead at the windward mark closely followed by Gifford, and these two resumed their battle from the recent Winter championships, with Milliner clamping a close cover on everywhere Gifford went. Taking the advantage of the unfolding head to head Young pulled up behind them in 3rd. Just as Milliner looked to be pulling away on the last lap, Gifford and Young closed up on the run and all 3 were overlapped at the bottom of the run. The excitement of the close match, combined with a nice big gust left Milliner and Young capsized at the mark! This gave Gifford room to pass though into the lead, which he held to the finish, followed by Milliner then Young.

At the first mark of Race 2 Young just squeezed ahead of the pack coming in from the left on a nice shift, with Gifford, Matt Williams and Hawley close behind. Williams showed great upwind speed to take the lead, but as they all fought on the right hand side of the beat, Milliner a few boat lengths back picked up the shift of the day to squeeze around the second windward mark in the lead. Every one of the frontrunners shared the lead at some point, and in the end it was Gifford using his superior upwind speed to pull a few lengths clear. Milliner threw a handful of tacks to try to force a mistake as they approached the line, but Gifford held on to win from Milliner, Williams and Young.

Race 3 was much like the other 2, very close at the front and all through the fleet. At the pointy end it was Milliner and Young battling for the lead with Williams, Hanson and Gifford following. Milliner and Young traded the lead several times until Young joined the shifts upwind best to sneak into the lead,which he was never going to give up. This gave the race win to Young, followed by Milliner and Gifford (taking it a bit easy) in 3rd.

The home fleet took all of the top 5 places, and first Mark 1 boat very well helmed by Doug White in 8th. First veteran was Higson from Bartley in 9th.

A great day was had by all with close battles through the fleet and the visitors appreciative of the Cotswold hospitality. Thanks to everyone who took part and who made the effort to travel despite the horrendous conditions.

Overall Results:

Pos Sail No Helm Club R1 R2 R3 Pts

1st 1299 W Gifford Costwold SC 1 1 (3) 2

2nd 1261 G Young Cotswold SC 3 (4) 1 4

3rd 1245 C Milliner Cotswold sc (2) 2 2 4

4th 1248 M Williams Costwold SC (9) 3 4 7

5th 1218 Hugo Hanson Costwold SC 4 (7) 5 9

6th 1263 S Hawley Bartley SC (8) 6 6 12

7th 1244 J White Costwold SC 5 8 (11) 13

8th 700 D White Costwold SC 6 (9) 8 14

9th 1267 Jeremy Higson Bartley SC 7 (10) 7 14

10th 1201 Chris Williams Costwold SC (DNF) 5 10 15

11th 1160 P Undrell Haversham (12) 12 9 21

12th 1180 D Stephen Bartley 10 11 (12) 21

13th 1234 Nick Whiles Girton 11 (15) 15 26

14th 1274 A Gould Cotswold SC (14) 14 13 27

15th 1032 Paul Burton Girton (15) 13 14 27

16th 1305 S stephen Bartley 13 (16) 16 29

17th 660 Phil North Girton 16 (17) 17 33

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