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Monday 10 April 2023

Easter Egg racing at Overy Staithe Sailing Club

 Overy Staithe SC got their 2023 season off to a great start with four days of racing scheduled for the Easter weekend.

Good Friday saw a fleet of 15 boats racing for the first day of the 3 day Easter Egg races, with a good breeze allowing RO Dave Cooper and ARO George Smith to set a course which gave plenty of challenges.

Saturday was forecast to be very light but there was just enough wind for the fleet to make it up the creek to the start, and once in the lagoon there was a 5 or 6 knot north westerly.

A 2 lap race was run by the race team of Camilla and Richard Warner, and with no confusion about the course Alex Scoles (OK) took line honours followed by 4 more OK's helmed by Peter Turner, Bernard Clark, Rodney Tidd and Andy Turner. Sam and Richard Mason (Albacore) were the first double handers.

Sunday didn't look like it was going to offer much by way of wind, but once again there was enough to battle against the tide and Andy Turner and Kevin Savage set a course from Houseboat, around the lagoon and back to C mark. 

Overall 19 boats took part in the series, which was won by Alex, with Rodney second and Bernard third. First Junior was Anna Morley and first double hander was the Albacore of Sam and Richard.

The fleet looks forward to windier conditions on Easter Monday, today when they will race for the Shipwrecked Mariners Pennant.

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