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Thursday 27 June 2024

5 Castles Regatta 2024 at Galloway Activity Centre, Loch Ken


After months of preparation, the 21st anniversary edition of the 5 Castles Regatta was held at Galloway Activity Centre on Loch Ken on Friday 21st June.

A collaborative event involving volunteers and resources from Annandale Sailing Club and Solway Yacht Club, with staff and equipment from GAC and sponsorship by the Common Thread Group, the Regatta has long been an important event at the end of the summer term enabling young people from schools across Dumfries and Galloway to come together to compete in a team-racing sailing championship or to enjoy other activities and games, on and off the water.

Young people from Stranraer Academy, Dalbeattie High School, Dumfries Academy, Dumfries High School, St Joseph's College and Lockerbie Academy came together to compete in teams of three sailors in single-handed Pico racing dinghies in a round-robin Regatta.

Racing got under way at 10.30am, with the next race starting every 15 minutes or so through the morning and into the afternoon, until each team had raced against every other team. The winds fully tested the young people's boat-handling skills and even the most experienced were sometimes pushed. There were several capsizes but very few which required support from the powered rescue boats in attendance to watch over the young people's safety. And in a tribute to their courage and determination, all of those who capsized carried on and completed their races. Generally, the standard of sailing was high with the ability to read the small wind shifts when tacking upwind being at a premium, resulting in some very competitive racing. In one race, four of the six boats in the race finished within one or two boat lengths.

Points were awarded to each competitor in each race according to their finishing position, ranging from 1 to 6. At the end of the round robin phase, the total points for each team were summed with the lowest total score heading the league. The schedule had allowed for a final race-off in case the top two teams were tied on points. Given that the day was cool with the windchill factor, and the water colder, it was perhaps fortunate a race-off was not necessary and the racers were able to get off the water and enjoy a welcome game of Laserquest before the prize-giving.

Last year the girls team from Dalbeattie High School had won the Regatta. This year it was the turn of the Dalbeattie boys team to take the honours.

Overall Results:

1st Dalbeattie HS A team 40pts

2nd Dalbeattie HS B team 47pts

3rd Dumfries Ac/Dumfries HS 48pts

4th St Joseph's Coll./Lockerbie Ac 59pts

5th Stranraer Ac A team 66pts

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