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Tuesday 19 August 2014

Burton Sailing breakthrough for special needs youngsters

Children with severe learning difficulties and behavioural problems have been benefitting from OnBoard sailing sessions at Burton Sailing Club this summer. Led by the club's Training Principal, Keith Pallett, progress has been exceptional for youngsters from Pingle School in Swadlincote who have learned to sail on Foremark Reservoir. RYA OnBoard is the national grassroots sailing and windsurfing programme providing low cost opportunities for schools and youth groups enabling kids aged eight to 18 to learn to sail and stay in the sport. Two groups of Pingle School youngsters attended OnBoard sessions at Burton SC on Wednesdays and Fridays for six weeks after Keith had visited the school and spent time learning about the young people and their needs and how to plan appropriate sessions to ensure each individual youngster benefited. The children had constant support from the club instructors and school teaching staff throughout the sessions and the sessions were a huge success. Keith said: "The children with behavioural problems sailed, and completely changed their mannerisms and attitude to each other and the tasks they were given. Those with learning difficulties started out not wanting to put on buoyancy aids, they wouldn't walk on the jetty without aid and encouragement, and many were simply fearful of the water. In the end they would swim, walk on the jetty unaided with buoyancy aids, and sail in the dinghies. "Our instructors enjoyed working with the kids immensely. Teaching Special Educational Needs and young people with learning difficulties is a new skill set for our instructors and we have now contracted with another SEN school. "There is no doubt OnBoard works really well not just for the kids but also the carers and parents, who could see the benefits the sailing experience had on the wellbeing of the young people and how, together, we can develop sailing into the curriculum as an aid to child development." The youngsters too were very positive about their experiences. Callum Richardson, a Year 7 student, said: "It was my first time sailing. I was scared but after a bit I was leaning back to balance the boat." Jake Crawshaw, a Year 9 student, added: "We were also taught how to rig and sail a sailing boat, which I really liked. If I could I would like to have a boat of my own, a little sail boat that I could set up easily. Going to Foremark has been one of the best things I have done." Burton SC is a recognised RYA Training Centre meaning it conforms to the highest standards of quality and safety. RYA OnBoard has got an impressive track record – over 480,000 OnBoard beginner sessions have been run across Britain since 2005, with almost 40,000 young people taking up sailing or windsurfing on a regular basis. There are over 240 OnBoard clubs and centres nationwide, with several more joining the programme during 2014. To find out how your school or youth/community group can get involved in OnBoard at Burton SC visit www.burtonsailingclub.co.uk

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