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Wednesday 12 November 2014

Sailing - Full speed ahead for Patience and Willis on Road to Rio 2016

Patience won silver alongside Stuart Bithell in the 470 men's class at London 2012 but admits he is determined to go one better next time out. But it has been a disjointed few years since London for the 28-year-old after Bithell moved to the 49er class before new partner Joe Glanfield retired. Patience is now six months into his new partnership with Elliot Willis and gold at the 470 European Championships this summer suggests they are right on course. However, the pair failed to medal at the World Sailing Championships in September and, while Patience admits it was a disappointing result, he is keen to put it into context. "I think when we look back at the season we have to be happy even though some of the results weren't exactly what we wanted," he said. "We were always in the medal races and we have only been together for a short amount of time so I think we are doing well. "The Olympics fuels the fire inside me and I think of it as going to take care of unfinished business. We have had a good season but there is no way that we are going to be resting on our laurels now. "We were disappointed with the result at the World Championships but we have to put that into context of how long we have been together. "It's not been easy and we have had to work really hard but we have got good chemistry on the boat and a huge amount of respect for each other and I think that makes a big difference." Patience recently took time out of his busy training schedule to recognise the efforts of youngsters taking part in the Get Set to Make a Change programme, a scheme that saw youngsters keep the spirit of London 2012 alive. But he admits any break is always a short one and the hard work is about to start all over again. "There's a break now and we'll do some work off the boat but we'll be off to Rio in December and will be working again and pushing hard to get to our best," Patience added. "We're right on course for Rio and at the moment it is just really romping up and getting serious now. "The Olympics are everyone's big goal and it's no different for us so we will be 100% focused improving and the signs are really positive for us so far. "I think our performances so far have been a really good sign and these few months have been an invaluable experience."

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