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Thursday 26 February 2015


Michael Goodwin from Stone, a recently retired Staffordshire University professor, will take to the water in his yacht the ‘Blue Star’ for a two year sailing challenge around the UK to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. Michael, whose son Daniel has cystic fibrosis, will set out on his challenge in May with his friend Roger from Lymington and they hope to recruit as many people as possible to join them at various stages of the journey, the first leg in 2015 travelling from Southampton to North Scotland and the second in 2016 from Orkney south through the Irish Sea and back to Southampton. Cystic fibrosis is a life-shortening genetic condition, which causes the internal organs, especially the lungs and digestive system, to become clogged with thick sticky mucus, resulting in chronic infections and inflammation of the lungs. The Cystic Fibrosis Trust provides support to those with cystic fibrosis and their families and helps to drive up standards in medical care. Michael says that although his son has a positive attitude to his condition he battles continuously against ill health, and this challenge is the perfect opportunity to show his support for Daniel as well as raise all important funds. “I am really looking forward to a fantastic sailing adventure circumnavigating the UK coastline whilst raising funds to help conquer cystic fibrosis.” Community Development & Fundraising Manager, Serena Wilson says “We wish Michael, Roger and whoever else who may be joining them on this sailing challenge the best of luck. We are incredibly grateful to Michael for his fundraising efforts and it is a fantastic challenge that he has taken on. With the help from challenges like this one we are able to fund research into better treatment for those with the condition. We are committed to improving the lives of those with cystic fibrosis.” Anyone wanting to help Michael to raise his £6000 target by doing this two year sailing challenge can do so by visiting http://bit.ly/1zb2I9D. The team’s progress and details to join them can also be followed through this blog http://michaelgoodwinsailing.blogspot.co.uk/. Michael is particularly keen to hear from businesses who would like to advertise on his yacht in return for a donation to the CF Trust, and from anyone who would like to sail with him – Michael hopes that his crew members will make a generous donation to the CF Trust too.

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