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Friday 6 March 2015

Growing fleets buck the trend at Hayling Island Sailing Club

Hayling Island Sailing Club is one of the few sailing clubs to defy current trends by creating significant growth in its Fireball and RS Elite fleets. Leadership, strategic plans and the strength of the class captains are being cited as some of the reasons behind the recent unprecedented growth of these fleets at the club. The HISC Fireball fleet is currently the fastest growing Fireball fleet in the UK having virtually trebled in size in one year with over 20 boats now registered at the club. The HISC RS Elite fleet has exceeded its goal of establishing a ten strong fleet with 12 boats already committed to racing at the club for the 2015 season. Strategic growth plans were drawn up by both fleets and include activities such as special racing weekends, training weekends, crew swaps, youth recruitment, crew databases, social events and specific marketing and communications to target used recruits from both members and non-members. In addition a number of ‘Elite Ambassadors’ have been created who will be available to answer questions, assist usedcomers and champion the fleet throughout the season. Another reason being cited for resurgence in the RS Elite fleet is the naturally sociable nature of day keelboat racing which enables participants to enjoy competitive sailing whilst remaining dry and upright! The fleet at HISC is attracting strong interest from couples, and is seeing many women returning to competitive sailing after moving on from dinghies. The modern performance design of the RS Elite lends itself to exciting and competitive day racing with the additional benefit of minimal maintenance. Paul Fisk, one of the RS Elite Class Captains noted, 'The HISC RS Elite fleet includes novice sailors through to Olympic medalists as well as a good number in between. We welcome usedcomers, can support less experienced sailors by offering training and advice and encourage family members to sail together and get involved. We have a busy racing schedule planned for 2015 as well as a friendly social scene. We look forward to welcoming sailors to this vibrant and growing fleet.' HISC recently heard that the club will be hosting the Fireball Nationals in 2016 which will be a tremendous boost to the home fleet. The last time the Nationals were held at the club was in 1993 although the class was a regular visitor to HISC in the 1960s and 1970s for National, European and World events. Chris Turner, Fireball Class Captain commented, 'HISC was one of the first clubs to adopt the Fireball after its launch in 1962 and played a leading role in the early development of the class. It’s greatly satisfying therefore to see a strong resurgence of interest in Fireballs and the tremendous growth in numbers we’ve achieved over the past twelve months. I’m particularly delighted that HISC will be hosting the Fireball National Championship in 2016 exactly 50 years after the club hosted the inaugural World Championship.' Commenting on the growth of both fleets, HISC Rear Commodore Racing Andy Partington said, 'Both the Fireball and RS Elite fleets have put a lot of hard work and effort into building their fleets and it’s really encouraging to see those efforts rewarded with such excellent growth in numbers. Both classes are looking forward to an excellent season of competitive racing on the water matched by lively and sociable events off the water.' RS Elite

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