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Friday 20 November 2015

Steven’s sailing therapy

Bestselling author and former soldier, Steven McLaughlin, has just returned from his latest adventure – training with the sailing charity Turn to Starboard. The charity, based in Falmouth,helps former veterans of foreign wars readjust to civilian life by teaching them sailing techniques and tutoring them in the ways of the sea. A lot of former soldiers fall through the cracks when they return to civvy street and can have real problems adjusting, given the horrors they’ve seen and the traumas they’ve faced Lytham-based Steven said: “A lot of former soldiers fall through the cracks when they return to civvy street and can have real problems adjusting, given the horrors they’ve seen and the traumas they’ve faced. “They can also desperately miss the friendship of dear colleagues, some of whom are sadly no longer with us. “Turn to Starboard helps them get over that by introducing them to the comradeship and purpose of the sea, which is a great leveller and gives men their pride and self-esteem back, literally healing old wounds.” Turn to Starboard offers free sailing courses and professional training to former soldiers who feel they’d benefit from time at sea, with the only proviso being they must have served on an operational tour. The courses are taught by highly-qualified sailors and former soldiers who voluntarily give their time, teaching the Royal Yachting Association syllabus and sailing out of Falmouth Marina on a Bavaria 32ft cruising yacht. Steven plans to continue sailing and strongly encourages any former soldiers to get in touch with Turn to Starboard and begin their own journeys at sea.

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