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Wednesday 2 November 2016

Sailing club members continue tradition

THE Prescott Trophy, traditionally sailed in fancy dress and the last race of the main Lyme Regis sailing season, was held on Sunday in conditions that race officer Pete Thomas described as ‘enjoyable if not exciting.’ A line-up of crews in various outfits over their sailing gear was followed by the 16 competitors drifting out to the start, but after the first series race, the Prescott Trophy benefited from a breeze which kept the fleet moving steadily. Sunshine and warm temperatures are unusual for this stage of the season, and the first four on handicap finished within a minute of each other after an hour long race. Jerry Rook and Helen Bruno had a 20 second lead over Colin Walters and Simon Law. The first nine boats completed the race within five minutes of search other. The winter season continues for a handful of keen racers until Christmas. The Youth Section prize giving takes place on Saturday before the town fireworks.

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