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Monday, 12 June 2017

Sailor’s voyage around Britain to tackle pollution

AN Aberporth sailor more accustomed to catamarans and dinghies will be joining the all-female crew of a 72-foot yacht on a circumnavigation of Britain to raise awareness of plastic pollution in the seas. Gail Tudor and her colleagues will be setting out on their three-leg journey aboard Sea Dragon from Plymouth on 8 August. The next 10 days will take her around Cornwall and into Cardiff before heading west and into Cardigan Bay, and stopping off at Belfast before she finally leaves the vessel at the end of its first leg at Arran. Over 30 days prior to Sea Dragon’s anticipated return to Plymouth via London, crew members taking part in ‘eXXpedition Round Britain’ will carry out the first continuous trawl for plastics and toxic materials in UK waters whilst sailing over 2,000 miles of the UK coastline. The voyage will take them into the heart of the four UK capitals, as well as Arran in the Clyde and Stornoway­. Onshore activities in every port will include citizen science workshops, film screenings, school visits, creative art and storytelling events, beach-cleans, and engagement with local academic communities, campaigning community groups and local politicians and media. “Living by the sea and being concerned about plastic pollution just made it seem like a good idea,” Gail told the Cambrian News. “Something I and a lot of other people didn’t realise is that plastic never goes away – it just gets smaller and more dangerous­. “Although I sail catamarans and dinghies I have never undertaken anything like this. A lot of the crew have never even sailed before. Basically we’re a bunch of ordinary women setting out to do something extraordinary. “We need to raise £10,000 in order to qualify for match-funding for Heritage Lottery funds to pay for the outreach work in the ports we visit and things like venue hire, beach clean-ups, science workshops etc. “The sooner we can reach our target the more chance we have of getting the heritage lottery money as it is limited and may run out soon. “All costs of the voyage itself, the boat and passage, are being met by the participants.” The crowdfunder link is www.crowdfunder.co.uk/exxpedition-round-britain/.

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