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Friday 12 January 2018

Epic charity sailing challenges to thank organisation that supported son through cancer battle

A NORTH Fambridge sailing instructor is planning to take part in two epic fundraising challenges as a thank you to the charity that has supported his son through a battle with cancer. Colin Stracey, 62, runs First Class Sailing out of Fambridge Yacht Haven, and for the past two years has organised Sail for Macmillan events which have raised £16,000 for the cancer charity. The Round Britain for Macmillan trip returns for a third year this time round, but will be joined by a trip to Copenhagen, as they sail to the Baltics. Mr Stracey hopes to raise another £16,000 this year, in order to than Macmillan cancer support for the help they have provided his son James during his struggle. He said: “We have seen first-hand the great work that Macmillan do. “This all started because we wanted to show our gratitude for what they did for James. “The news before Christmas last year was very bad to say the least, but later in the year they found there was a new therapy treatment that matched with James’ DNA. “We are not out of the woods yet but the prognosis is looking much better to say the least.” James was diagnosed in 2013 and has been supported by Macmillan throughout this period, and when not having surgery, chemo and immunotherapy treatments, James himself cycled from Warsaw to Manchester to raise funds for the charity. The decision was taken to run a second trip to Copenhagen alongside the Round Britain adventure this year when a friend volunteered the use of his boat. Mr Stracey explained: “A friend of mine, a retired doctor, offered his boat for the Round Britain trip last year. “During his time as a doctor he saw people with various types of cancer and saw how much it impacted them, and what good work Macmillan do to support them. “In the summer we were chatting and I mentioned how I had never sailed to the Baltic, he said he hadn’t either and we thought what better way to do than to do it for Macmillan.” People can donate to join the crews on either adventure, for just one leg or the entire trip. “No experience is necessary to come along on one of our cruises,” explained Mr Stracey. “With our instructors skippering each yacht, the trips are a relaxed and enjoyable opportunity for people with a range of experiences, or none, to see our beautiful coastline from a whole new perspective.” To register your interest in joining the trip visit premiersailing.co.uk/sail-around-britain-2018.

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