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Tuesday 14 May 2019

Schoolchildren to sail on the Swan

PUPILS from a number of schools around Shetland are set to experience sailing on the historic boat Swan in the coming weeks. Children from Brae High School, Sandness, Happyhansel, Skeld, Tingwall, Whiteness will part take in half-day sails in their local area. The trips are taking place thanks to continued support from Zetland Educational Trust, Sail Training Shetland sponsorship and group fundraising. Swan Trust trustee Peter Campbell said: “Youth engagement and development has always been at the heart of the Swan Trust. “We are grateful to the Zetland Educational Trust for financial support in our school activities and Sail Training Shetland for their continued support of the Swan through their sail trainee programme.” The boat also recently welcomed both Sail Training Shetland trainees and One Step Beyond group members for taster sessions. Swan skipper Thorben Reinhardt said: “Swan has so much to offer to the younger members of our community. “A trip on Swan is not just a sailing experience it’s an adventure which builds life experience and memories which will last a lifetime. The taster trips taken recently have given those young people a chance to get familiar with the boat and its operations before their longer trips later in the year.”

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