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Thursday 13 June 2019

Exciting opportunity for Norfolk and Suffolk young sailors with the Tom Crisp Sailing Scholarships

The Lowestoft sailing charity Excelsior Trust, last week launched four sailing scholarships for young people aged between 16 and 24, living in Norfolk or Suffolk. The project is named after Thomas Crisp VC, DSC, RNR, the heroic and distinguished skipper of the (armed) Lowestoft Smack ‘Nelson’, who lost his life in World War One whilst engaged with German U Boats in The North Sea. The scholarships, launched last Friday, are worth over £2,000 to each successful applicant, and will give young people the chance to sail as part of the crew aboard the 1921 Lowestoft smack and sail training vessel “ Excelsior” whilst visiting the South Coast, Channel Islands and Brittany this summer. No previous sailing experience is required, but applications are encouraged from individuals who have an enthusiasm for the opportunity, and an ability to take individual responsibility as part of a crew. The Excelsior Trust is a charitable organisation that provides life changing sailing experiences for young and disadvantaged people, schools and corporate groups, as well as unique sailing opportunities for individuals, all whilst preserving and maintaining one of the UK’s most historic ships. The Mayor of Lowestoft, Cllr Alice Taylor said: “Lowestoft Town Council is thrilled to support the Excelsior Trust in this wonderful educational opportunity to learn about Lowestoft’s rich maritime history in a practical, hands-on experience.” Excelsior Trustee, Laurence Vulliamy said: “The experience gained at sea will be life changing for each participant”. The Trust hopes to be able to offer these scholarships each year up to Excelsiors centenary in 2021. Applicants should send an email to sailing@excelsiortrust.co.uk with details of their name, home address, age, and a description why they would make an excellent member of the Excelsior crew. All applications must be received by midday on Monday 17 June. More information can be found here.

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