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Friday 30 August 2019

More Spalding area families to get onboard as Welland Yacht Club gets national recognition

More families now have the chance to discover sailing as Welland Yacht Club has been awarded the national RYA OnBoard seal of approval. OnBoard is the grassroots programme, run by sailing’s national governing body, the RYA, which introduces sailing to young people aged eight to 18. The low cost OnBoard sessions, open to schools, youth groups and youth training organisations, promote equal access to sailing for young people from all social and economic backgrounds, whilst encouraging character development. Sailing is a brilliant activity for families to do together or as individuals, and by encouraging more new youngsters on to the water through OnBoard, Welland YC will be giving mums, dads, brothers and sisters the chance to get afloat and give sailing a go too. Andy Prior, Welland YC sailing instructor, said: "Sailing is ideally suited to family participation. Most importantly it’s a huge amount of fun and provides a welcome break from day-to-day life. It’s also something the whole family can do at the same time in the same boat, or separately, sailing on their own. Families are often so busy taking the kids to do different activities that they don’t get time all together. Sailing solves that issue. “Over the past year the club has worked hard to be in a position where we can support more people in getting on the water, both by adding boats that people can use for learning to sail or to hire at low cost, and training more instructors to teach them. “For youngsters in particular, sailing is a chance to take part in a sport or have a hobby where they don’t have to feel competitive pressure. They can choose to join in with races if they want to, but everyone can progress at the own pace and just take whatever they want from their sailing experience." In 2017, a landmark project between the RYA and Professor Bill Lucas, Professor of Learning at the University of Winchester, identified how sailing builds character and nurtures six key strengths in young people - confidence, teamwork, communication, determination, independence and creativity. Meanwhile, earlier this year, the Department for Education (DfE) revealed the government's vision to help children build character and resilience to succeed in life and improve academic outcomes, stating that character and resilience are as important as academic achievement. Prof Lucas said: “All the evidence says it is no longer a question as to whether character is important, it is now all about how you do it. Sailing can provide an answer to that ‘how’, whilst also providing numerous other benefits like having fun with friends and family, being active and getting outdoors." Alistair Dickson, RYA director of sport development, added: “We are delighted to welcome Welland YC to OnBoard. OnBoard is about fun and enjoyment, while our work with Professor Lucas highlighted the broader learning benefits, which youngsters can take with them off the water and into many other aspects of their lives. It is fantastic more local youngsters now have these opportunities on their doorsteps.” Andy Prior in competitive action.Andy Prior in competitive action. Welland YC has thrived on the River Welland in Spalding for nearly 75 years with popular weekend dinghy racing, an active cruising section and busy social programme. As a recognised RYA Training Centre, the club confirms to the highest standards of safety and quality. Since 2005, OnBoard has introduced more than 900,000 children to sailing and windsurfing in the UK, converting some 70,000 of them into regulars. For more information about Welland YC visit www.wellandyachtclub.co.uk or to learn more about RYA OnBoard go to www.rya.org.uk/go/onboard

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