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Tuesday 10 September 2019

Volunteers wanted at sailing club for people with disabilities

Frensham Pond Sailability is a sailing club aimed at “anyone from the age of ten with a disability or long term illness” who wishes to learn how to sail. The club provides both beginners lessons as well as competitive racing at national and international levels. Boats provided include a “range of specially designed boats and necessary support facilities”, with Sailability members describing themselves as “freed of limitations” and having the ability to “compete on equal terms with any able-bodied sailor”. However, the team at Frensham Pond are appealing for volunteers to join the group and assist with activities at the club. Volunteers can help through teaching members to sail, preparing the boats and helping sailors in and out of the boat. Other roles include organising and running events, preparing meals and assisting with IT issues. Katie Apse, volunteer co-ordinator at Sailability joined four years ago, learning about the team through a friend. She called the experience a “wonderful way to spend the day doing the things I love, being outside and sailing, and helping people at the same time”. She also described her “greatest satisfaction” as “seeing someone sail solo for the first time”. The team has appealed for volunteers to assist at Thursday and Saturday morning sessions from April to October. If you would like information on how you can volunteer, email Katie at katieapse@btinternet.com Or for more information visit the website www.frenshampondsailabilty.org.uk.

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