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Thursday 14 November 2019

Grantham pupils take to the water for sailing sessions

Pupils at a specialist secondary school in Grantham took to the water for sailing lessons last term. Year 8 pupils from Greenfields Academy took part in a series of sailing lessons as they worked towards their Adventure Service Challenge (ASC) Award. The ASC Award is ‘a scheme that provides school staff with a progressive programme of activity for a wide ability range to motivate young people with creative activities’. Sailing lessons took place at Hykeham Sailing Club with the Lincolnshire District Sailing Association. Pupils learned the basics of launch, propelling and steering single hull boats. Some pupils even progressed to individually helm their boats and to right their boat in capsize situations. Two pupils in particular made excellent progress and showed great determination to overcome the challenging environment and learn the complex skills of tacking and jibing – changing course on the water. Individual progress is a particular focus of the scheme which aims for the pupils taking part not to be in competition with each other – instead their progress is assessed on the measure of their own personal achievement. Andy Rush, physical and outdoor education lead, said: “Sailing provides a great platform for pupils to develop self-esteem, independence and problem-solving, as a side-effect of learning new and complex physical skills associated with the sport. “For our pupils, the positive impact from the sensation of being ‘on the water’ on their emotional welbeing can be profound.” One pupil added: “When I am sailing on the lake, it feels like I am escaping but in control. I feel excited but calm.” Greenfields Academy were awarded the Silver Sports Mark Award last academic year for their commitment to PE and school sport, particularly placing a great emphasis on providing opportunities outside of school. Formerly The Phoenix Academy, Greenfields Academy, on Great North Road, is a specialist school for pupils with social, emotional or mental health needs and joined Grantham’s Community Inclusive Trust last year. The trust already has a number of Grantham schools under its wing including Grantham Additional Needs Fellowship (Ambergate Sports College and Sandon School), Isaac Newton Primary School, Caythorpe Primary School and Poplar Farm Primary School.

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