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Saturday 7 December 2019

£16,000 donation puts wind in sails of Isle of Wight disabled sailing charity

A £16,000 DONATION from the Isle of Wight Foundation has put wind in the sails of an Island charity that offers recreational boating opportunities for adults and children with physical and learning disabilities. Cowes Sailability Club will put the money towards a specially designed Island-built motorboat that is fully wheelchair accessible. It will enable the club to offer life-enriching experiences and build disabled people’s confidence by providing access to the sea in a fun, safe and rewarding way. Fundraising officer Trish Rooke said: “This grant is a tremendous boost for us. "Though we are based in Cowes, we are an all-Island charity so a great many people will be able to benefit from the new opportunities this fantastic new boat will bring. “People with disabilities often have difficulty finding an accessible outdoor activity and as a result sometimes can feel isolated but this new motorboat will help Cowes Sailability Club continue to support members with many different kinds of disabilities.” Commodore Paul Wilks said: “The total cost of the boat is around £96,000 so this money is a huge step towards us achieving our target. It is being built by Cheetah Marine of Ventnor and the fact that a local company is supplying the new boat makes the project extra special." Donations towards the boat can be made at www.cowessailability.co.uk Cowes Sailability Club is the latest organisation to receive a grant from the Isle of Wight Foundation, comprised of the companies behind Island Roads, this year. Each year, the foundation gives grants of between £3,000 and £16,000 to Island charities, good causes and organisations working to tackle social exclusion.

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