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Sunday 22 March 2020

Open sailing event returns to Chichester - could it be back for good?

After a winter of storm disruption, the weather was near perfect for the time of year, with a south-westerly wind in the mid teens, and even the sun made an appearance - making it a fine day for sailing. The CYC race committee had worked closely with the class association to set up the event, so on the day the race officer set the RS400s preferred windwar- leeward course with a gate. The first race brought a few capsizes and one boat broke its mast, but was won by Steve and Sarah Cockerill, followed by Jon Heissig and Nicky Griffin. The second race saw the fleet crowding the line with a few boats over. After a regrettable mix-up it was decided the fairest result was to award joint first place to Cockerill and Heissig. The third race was full of incident. Jack Holden and Rob Henderson built an impressive lead, sailing downwind at astonishing speed as they made the most of the gusts. But then had difficulties with their spinnaker which halted the boat by the leeward gate and saw them overtaken by Heissig and Griffin. Holden and Henderson tried to catch up, but the race was won by Heissig and Griffin. At the prizegiving, third place went to Holden and Henderson (Arun YC), second went to the Cockerills (Lee on Solent SC) and first place went to Heissig and Griffin. It was nice to spend at least a few hours outside in the sunshine and after racing, competitors gathered in the sloop for a race tea. The talk after the event was about next year, and it is hoped the RS400 will become a regular fixture at CYC.

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