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Thursday 12 March 2020

Totland man and PTSD sufferer sails around Britain for Veteran's Outreach Support

A FORMER member of the British Army Counter-Intelligence Corps, who suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), is sailing around Britain to raise money for Veteran's Outreach Support (VOS). David Bridges, of Totland, served several tours in Northern Ireland and Bosnia among others, and will be accompanied on the trip by his friend, Simon Layton ­— a former instructor at UKSA, picking up, and dropping off, crew along the way. David was a former finance director of a bank in Jersey but took early retirement after the onset of PTSD, and moving to the Island. He said: "PTSD is a mental condition which affects the brain. It makes me hyper-observant and I'm always looking around to see if I am going to be affected by any trouble around me. "It's caused through combat, or what I have seen doing my duty. It gradually hit me ten years after leaving the army and I slipped into depression. "I see a psychiatrist who thinks this challenge will give me an objective and will be a calming influence on me." The pair have set off from Yarmouth and picked up a crew member in Portsmouth. They are sailing anti-clockwise about Britain, because the winds are more favourable, and are in a steel ketch named Ariel. David said: "We estimate it will take about three weeks to do and we will be doing 36 to 48-hour stints. "When we decide to stop, we will radio ahead and see if there is anyone about from VOS who will join us on the next leg, and I will also be doing some speaking at clubs along the way. "I've been with VOS for 18 months and they have really helped me." David's sponsors include Paul Collier, chief executive of Jacksons Esplanade and RDS Global. VOS is a drop-in service for ex-members of the British Armed Forces, the Merchant Navy and their partners, and meet on the first Wednesday of the month in the Royal Maritime Club, Portsmouth, between 2pm and 6pm.

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