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Saturday 2 May 2020

Marine tourism body welcomes Scottish Government £100m fund

The Scottish Government’s £100 million fund to support small and medium-sized businesses and the self-employed has been welcomed by Sail Scotland, the national marine tourism body. It had been lobbying the Scottish Government for additional assistance for its members, joining voices with Wild Scotland to support the wider marine and adventure tourism sector. Both organisations say they have received high numbers of distress calls from businesses that were facing a catastrophic loss of seasonal visitors but were falling between the cracks of Scottish and UK government support. Sail Scotland estimates a 95 per cent loss of business across the marine tourism sector this year, due to the industry’s reliance on seasonal visitors. For these businesses, there is no opportunity for recovery until spring 2021 – which could be too late for many. In a plea for additional support, the body highlighted Scotland’s reputation as a world-class sailing destination. The marine tourism sector will also play an important role in ensuring the success of the themed year, Scotland’s Year of Coasts and Waters, which will now move from 2020 to 2021. Sail Scotland also warned of the potential impact on rural and island communities, many of which rely on the expenditure of sailing and outdoor activity visitors. Sail Scotland chairman Gavin McDonagh said: “I am pleased that all the hours of direct lobbying to government ministers over the past few weeks on behalf of our industry have resulted in positive support for our sector. On behalf of myself and the board of Sail Scotland we would like to thank our chief executive Alan Rankin for his efforts in representing our sector and achieving this vital financial support.” Mr Rankin said. “It was clear to see that many of our members and wider industry seemed to be falling between the gaps of the UK funding support mechanisms. There has been open and ongoing dialogue with Scottish Government ministers and officials, and we appreciate the recognition that has been afforded to this vital sector. "We will continue to press for additional support as the sector is so seasonal, with many operators not likely to see any business until the spring of 2021. “Our sector extends right across Scotland and really does play a vital economic role in many rural areas. Our outstanding sailing grounds attract thousands of visiting boats each year, including bringing visitors to remote islands and coastal places."

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