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Sunday 14 June 2020

Island Sailing Club members make a splash with return to action

Members of the Island Sailing Club-Reading were able to sail on their lake at Pingewood last Sunday for the first time since the Coronavirus lockdown. The latest Government restrictions and the guidelines from the RHA were observed to ensure the members’ safety. A good number of members turned up, some just to check on their boats and others to see how the social distancing would work. This meant a smaller number than usual took to the water for the races. These were all single-handers, two-man boats are only allowed if crewed by members of the same household. Two races were planned and the first one was held in sunshine and a gentle breeze, with Ian Wickens becoming the clubs first post lockdown winner. Unfortunately, the second race had to be abandoned after the wind died and it started to rain. Racing will continue each weekend in future and now that members can see that the new regulations can work, it is hoped that more will return to rake part.

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