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Saturday 8 August 2020


2 teenagers from the Isle of Wight have raised thousands of pounds for Aspire Ryde by sailing around the Island. 18-year-old Jamie Winterbottom and 17-year-old Xander Huber were determined to help the local charity with their amazing work for young people in the area. They set themselves the huge task of sailing around the Island in one go and completed their 100km journey in just 9.5 hours on Tuesday 28th July. Sailing single-handed Laser dinghies, Jamie and Xander needed to contend with the weather, strong tides and some particularly rough seas around the southern tip of the Island in order to return to Bembridge and complete their journey. Donations have totalled £15,500 with additional contributions still being made. Trevor Nicholas, Aspire Ryde Chief Executive said: “This is a phenomenal achievement by two determined and inspiring young men. Jamie and Xander wanted to raise funds for the work that we do with young people and the amount they have secured will enable us to significantly expand the services we are able to offer. “The challenge they set themselves required a huge degree of skill, endurance and bravery and we are so grateful to them and to their families who have supported them through this. “We often hear negative stories about our youth, but these are not generally our experiences and it is wonderful to see such spirit and generosity in the actions of these young men”. Jamie said: “It was a great challenge with a few hairy moments but worth it given how generous friends, family and the Bembridge community have been towards Aspire. Thank you to everybody for all your support”. Xander commented: “I was really struck by the amazing work that Aspire do and it was a case of thinking of what I could do to help – this mad sailing marathon came to mind. I am excited to hear what Aspire can achieve with the funds.” All of the funding raised will go direct to Aspire Ryde’s work with young people in helping them to remain in education and in teaching the skills required for successful and independent living. Further contributions can be made at https://www.totalgiving.co.uk/mypage/xander-and-jamie-100km-sail?.

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