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Wednesday 2 September 2020

Axe Yacht Club members enjoy excellent weekend conditions

Vibes, tazes, topazes, and other boats zoomed about the Seaton bay over the three-day holiday. For many this was the first time on the water since last year due to the Covid-19 lockdown which coincided with the beginning of the sailing season. On Sunday afternoon the northerly wind made for flat seas and ideal conditions for launching and retrieving the dinghies. Axe Yacht Club has been committed to getting cadets and families out sailing dinghies within the safe parameters of the pandemic restrictions and RYA guidance. However, this has not been straightforward and has required restrictions on the use of the club house and changing facilities, as well as distancing on the water. This means that those sailing together in a dinghy or boat must be within the same ‘bubble’ and must be able to launch and retrieve the boats themselves. Two support boats also with crews in respective social ‘bubbles’ were out due to the number of sailors including cadets to assist where necessary. Amanda Parker, commodore of Axe Yacht Club said: “I was so thrilled to see so many of our younger sailors out enjoying the very favourable sailing conditions. “It has been quite a task getting ourselves ready to sail again with risk assessments, and new measures but it has been absolutely worth it to see the huge smiles on everyone’s faces after a day of sailing.” Axe Yacht Club always welcomes new members. For all details about the club and how to join please visit www.axeyachtclub.co.uk

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