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Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Bridlington’s long history of sailboat racing with Royal Yorkshire Yacht Club

The coastal town is home to the Royal Yorkshire Yacht Club, several members of whom are pictured here preparing catamarans before heading out onto the North Sea. Though Bridlington is now the club’s home, it was originally based in both Hull and Whitby, established in 1847 by Hull businessman and ship owners. The club sets out on its website how that has changed over time. “By the turn of the century there was increasing traffic on the Humber and in the Hull Docks making the area less suitable for pleasure yachting. “Consequently the club decided to move its activities to Bridlington, where it occupied various premises until in 1939 the present clubhouse, previously the Ozone Hotel, was acquired and adapted to provide facilities for members and visiting yacht crews, to whom a special welcome has always been extended.” The club has held regattas since its founding, though had to cancel a number of times due to the First and Second World Wars and the Crimean War. The Duke of Edinburgh remains its patron, last paying a visit during its 150th anniversary year in 1997.

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