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Friday 6 November 2020

Hollingworth Lake Sailing Club

It was fortunate that the forecast weather for the lake on Sunday 1 November arrived later than expected because the organised series of races were able to take place. The first race was the Autumn Pursuit where boats set out at timed intervals to sail for 45 minutes, with the slowest off first. This gave the younger sailors a chance to shine. 15-year-old Daisy Fisher, in a Topper, was soon into a clear lead, which she held for the full time. Unfortunately, she and her close pursuers rounded the last mark of the first lap incorrectly. Two of the following Solos noticed and rounded correctly leading to a win for Mike Smith with Martin Brennan runner-up. Two races followed for the Winter Series. At first, they were overkeen to start and a recall was sounded. The second start was okay and off ahead were the Solos, led by Nick Hornsby. On handicap, however, it was Daisy Fisher who won the race. The second race saw only Nick Hornsby and the young Topper sailors come to the start. As the rain came and wind rose, it was Nick Hornsby in the Solo who won the race, with Daisy Fisher runner-up this time.

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