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Saturday 5 December 2020

'Solway Adventurer' sale will boost charity's work on 'Pride of Mann III'

Charity Sailing for the Disabled has sold one of its two yachts. The proceeds will be used to help to continue to provide sailing experiences on board the charity’s other vessel Pride of Man III, for local adults and children with conditions that affect their day-to-day life. The 40ft Solway Adventurer, a 2004 Bavaria model 38, had been donated by a similar UK-based charity. But Sailing for the Disabled later decided it was unable to sail and maintain two boats. Spokesman Graham Wilson said: ’The yacht was offered for sale by a sealed bid auction and the charity has since agreed a sale on the vessel, which is in Douglas harbour, awaiting collection by its new owner.’ The charity is now embarking on a recruitment campaign to increase the number of local members and volunteers. Mr Wilson said: ’This extra help will ensure that we are not only able to continue to offer a superb sailing experience to our disabled members, but with extra volunteers, we will be able to carry out more sails. The charity is also looking for people to help with shore-based activities throughout the year. The charity is willing to provide help and guidance to any non-sailors that volunteer and are keen and willing to learn. With its fully enclosed sailing cockpit Pride of Mann III, a 48ft Beneteau sailing yacht, is used all year round often taking part in offshore cruises to England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Mr Wilson said: ’As a skipper on the vessel myself, over and above the fact it is simply great fun, it is also great to see the pride disabled sailors take in being able to sail on an equal footing with their able-bodied counterparts.’

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