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Wednesday 9 June 2021

Earl Shilton girl wins silver medal at sailing championsips

 Imogen began sailing just three years ago after doing an initial course at Dixie Grammar School. She enjoyed it so much that the family visited Draycote Water Sailing Club and the enthusiasm of the Club’s staff and volunteers persuaded them to join the Club and do more courses. Her father, Andrew, is now also a regular sailor at the Club.

This led onto racing. Imogen now races two single-handed boats, the Tera and Topper, as well as the two-person Feva. She is in the top five of the Topper National Series.

Imogen, aged 12, said: “I love sailing because of the amazing sense of freedom and responsibility that comes from being entirely responsible for yourself and your boat when out on the water. As a sport, I love the way it is a mix of being physically challenged whilst also being a massive puzzle trying to work out how to use the wind in the best way.”

Imogen and Felicity are due to be sailing their Feva together again at the World Championships in Germany in the summer as well in separate boats at the Tera World Championships in Denmark - provided both events go ahead.

Draycote Water Sailing Club’s Youth & Junior fleet covers junior learn-to-sail courses every school holiday and half term, improver fun sessions on Friday nights and Saturday mornings, racing on Friday evenings and the Draycote Academy which offers high level racing training.

For more information visit the Club’s website.

The learn-to-sail courses are available to non-members and can be found here:


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