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Wednesday 16 June 2021

Hunts Sailing Club's women on water group growing and growing

 What I notice is that the group has a real community feel. New members are always made welcome and very quickly become one of us. Everyone is welcome, whether they can sail or not, and people are always happy to take newcomers out and get them started.

"That’s where having our own instructors really comes to the fore. One of our more recent members, who has not long moved into the area, has commented how joining WOW has given her an instant friendship network."

It's not just sailing with some taking up kayaking and others imply happy to come and paddle.

And there are additional benefits that have come from the group. Four women now sit on the committee of 12, three of them part of WOW but Weedon-Jones wants that to just be the beginning.

She said: "It’s a shame that that has to be remarkable, but I think being regular users of the club has given people more interest in getting involved in what goes on and maybe also the confidence to join what was a bit of a male dominated group.

"I’m really pleased with this. Women being seen as decision makers really helps with being seen as being fully active and involved in the club.

"It's about time too."

The Hunts Sailing Club's Women on Water group planned a number of activities as part of the Steering the Course Festival, a national initiative.

They included a Trophy Race, a Bring a Friend session and featuring the club’s women sailors on their social media channels.

For more information go to www.huntssc.org.uk

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