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Tuesday 10 August 2021

Maxi Edmond de Rothschild establishes new Rolex Fastnet Race record

 The extraordinary 32m long Ultime Maxi Edmond de Rothschild showed a clean pair of heels to the rest of the fleet in the 49th Rolex Fastnet Race arriving this evening (Monday 9 August) at 20:24:54 BST, setting a new record for the race's new longer 695 mile course to Cherbourg of 1 days 9 hours 15 minutes and 54 seconds.

As the huge blue and white trimaran arrived in Cherbourg's Port Chantereyne, the marina was packed with cheering fans of the team and of its famous crew of six led by co-skippers Franck Cammas and Charles Caudrelier. Also on board were David Boileau, Erwan Israel, Morgan Lagraviere and Yann Riou.

"The boat is amazing - we have improved since last year, so we are very happy," said Caudrelier. "The team has done a fantastic job over the last year to develop the boat and we can't stop that because new boats are coming. We are very happy about this race and the result of it, and the way it has happened."

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