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Saturday 14 August 2021

Wayfarer UK National Championships at Medway Yacht Club

 After two years without a championship, the Wayfarers held their Nationals 2021 at Medway YC, 5-8 August.

There was some new and young blood in the fleet. Neil Collingridge, who is an old hand in the class, brought with him a fit young crew, Hamish, who hikes like a badger. Martyn Hare & Steve Perkins rocked up with a new boat buoyed by encouraging performances at Shoreham and Waldringfield. Sean & Helen Murray travelled up from Parkstone to try and wrest the Pert Platter from other married couples. There were also two wooden boats crewed by teenagers. This was great to see.

Michael & Simon were crowned UKWA National Champions 2021, retaining their title from 2019. The Wilsons were runners up while the Neil & Hamish Collingridge finished in third place.

There was time, of course, to thank the helpers and organisers: Tom Rusbridge and Jamie Blair and their team on the committee boat; support boat and mark laying teams; the beach master and his team; galley staff and the club steward; the event sponsors, Hartley Boats, Craftinsure, McNamara Sails, Shepherd Neame Brewery, Wayfarer Wines and the daily sponsors of tea and cakes; and the organising committee led by MYC Rear Commodore, Catherine Gore.

Martyn Hare & Steve Perkins were best placed in the silver fleet, while the bronze fleet was topped by Brian & Charlotte White.

The next event in the Craftinsure UKWA National Circuit and Travellers Series will be the open meeting at Swarkestone at the beginning of October. There is much going on before then, however, with Race Weeks and Regattas with Wayfarer racing at Chichester, Aldeburgh and Poole. For more information visit the class website at wayfarer.org.uk/ukwa-racing-calendar-2021

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