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Tuesday 12 October 2021

Dominating shifts in the sunshine at the Moth Inlands at Rutland

 A healthy entry of 26 boats fronted for this year's International Moth class Inlands at Rutland SC in the shadow of a borderline foiling forecast.

Early arrivals on the Friday busied themselves with boat preparation with the chance of a practice sail not eventuating in the sub five knot SE winds. 

Brad Funk was deservedly crowned our Rose Bowl Inland Champion for 2021 and generously thanked our Rutland Race team for their excellent work and hospitality over the weekend. He also took time to speak highly of the challenges of racing over the shifty Rutland course area and the benefits in learning how to master such.

Consistent sailing saw Dave Hivey take second a point ahead of both Eddie Bridle and Simon Hiscocks, with Eddie taking third by countback.

The closeness at the top had 5 points covering second to sixth place showing just how tight the racing was. Special mention for Andy Jarvis posting all top 10 results for 7th, Gareth Davies taking a solid 8th and James Sainsbury in his home build with strong early scores before retiring with a sliced finger and Kay and Paul Myerscough for making the long trip down from the NE to join us in enjoying the event.

On the design front we had 4 different designs in the top six, with three different designs on the podium reflecting a healthy return on skipper input and ability over equipment used.

,The class now looks forward to a strong 2022 calendar of events as we travel along the road to the Weymouth 2023 Worlds. If you have ever entertained the idea of joining the Moth fleet then now is the time to push the button and come along for the best ride you will have.

Thanks to our race day sponsor Allen Brothers, our long standing class sponsor in Noble Marine and Gordon Upton of Guppypix for his great photos over the weekend.

For all UK Moth class information join the Facebook group or visit the class website at www.internationalmoth.co.uk

Overall Results:

Pos Sail No Helm R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Pts

1st 4823 Brad Funk 1 1 1 1 (3) 4

2nd 4817 David Hivey 2 5 3 4 (6) 14

3rd 4826 Eddie Bridle 3 4 (11) 7 1 15

4th 4778 Simon Hiscocks 6 2 (7) 3 4 15

5th 4546 Alex Adams 4 (7) 5 5 2 16

6th 4705 Kyle Stoneham 5 3 (10) 2 9 19

7th 4721 Andrew Jarvis 7 (9) 6 6 8 27

8th 4525 Gareth Davies 8 8 9 (11) 11 36

9th 4764 David Smithwhite 13 12 4 8 (DNC) 37

10th 4808 Sam Curtis 9 (14) 8 10 10 37

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