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Monday 8 November 2021

Firefly Twisted Tube Random Pairs Team Racing at Spinnaker Sailing Club

 Nineteen eager Firefly crews gathered at Spinnaker Sailing Club on Saturday 6 November for the Twisted Tube Random Pairs Team Racing.

There was a brisk Westerly breeze varying in strength between Force 2-4 but with occasional stronger gusts and this allowed a full schedule of races to be run. In Random Pairs you sail every race with a different randomly chosen team mate against two randomly selected opponents. In two boat team racing, the team with a boat in last place loses. The Twisted Tube is a famously friendly event with everyone accepting and embracing the wide range of skills in the fleet.

The Race Team ran 48 races in the course of the day with every crew sailing at least 10 races. In a random pairs event the winner is the crew who loses the least races over the day and the clear winners with only one loss all day were Chris Kameen and Sally Wilson. Rob and Mel Sherrington were second with two losses and Ben Ainsworth and Toby Sherrington third with three losses. All the crews enjoyed the day and all at the event won at least two of their races.

Overall Results:

Pos Crew Losses

1 Chris Kameen and Sally Wilson 1

2 Rob and Mel Sherrington 2

3 Ben Ainsworth and Toby Sherrington 3

4 George Potter 4

4 Alex Colquitt 4

4 Neil Marshall 4

4 Sam Maxfield 4

4 Stuart and Robbie Hudson 4

9 Ted and Ella Ashworth 5

9 Keith McQuillan 5

9 Ewan Mclean 5

12 Jamie Harris 6

12 Max Morgan 6

12 Ed Beveridge 6

15 Duncan and Lorna Glen 7

15 Finley Stone 7

17 Ben Pym 8

17 Sam Petty & Fi Edwards 8

17 James Oborne 8

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