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Sunday 21 November 2021

Girton Sailing Club's Bob Warriner cracks the Mirrors with series win

 Bob Warriner cracked the winning formula as he sealed Girton Sailing Club’s annual Mirror Dinghy Championship Series.

After nearly six months of weekly races (conditions allowing) the Mirror Series came to a close at the weekend, leaving Bob Warriner high and dry at the top of the leaderboard.

The competition began on June 1 and the fleet sailed 22 races over the weeks in which Warriner recorded 16 wins.

The 71-year-old, from Winthorpe, said: “I always try to give a fair start sometimes jeopardising my own position on the start line.

“It’s been a great summer for the Mirror sailors at the club and we’ve done well to re-establish the ‘small but perfectly formed’ fleet at the club.”

Warriner, who is heavily involved with all things sailing at Girton, reflected on how he got into the sport following his triumph.

“It’s the best win I’ve had since my school days at Newark’s Mount Parish C of E Secondary,” he said.

“I finally began to hoist the sails again following my retirement in December 2014 about 50 years later.

“I would urge anyone who hasn’t sailed for a while, or never sailed, to do the same.

“It’s a great friendly hobby or sport and not expensive at all to get into.

“We’re now looking forward to a bit more fair weather for sailing before the year ends and of course next years, club championships.”

The final championship results saw Tony Baldock take second, while Paul Leafe was third.

Robin Wright (fourth), Martin Appleby (fifth), Kit Chow (sixth) and newcomer Phil Curtis also competed.

In round two of the club’s Winter Pursuit Series, Alan Bishop (Solo) dominated top spot with three wins.

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