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Monday 8 November 2021

The Transat Jacques Vabre is underway

 The sun shone, the wind blew and 79 boats got off the start line at Le Havre bound for Martinique. The four classes headed, first of all, to a turning mark before heading through the English channel.

There was an emotional send off for the crews as they left the Le Havre docks, with family and fans shouting them on. The weather conditions were ideal. The boats were able to hit a north-westerly wind between 15 and 20 knots on a choppy sea lit by beautiful sunshine.

The 5 Ultimes, 7 Ocean Fifty, 22 Imoca and 45 Class40s pointed their bows towards Etretat to round the first course mark before setting course towards the Atlantic. A long journey lies ahead; 7,500 miles for the largest and fastest class, the Ultimes. The IMOCA and Ocean Fiftys will sail around 6,000 miles with the smallest and slowest Class 40s completing around 4,500 miles.

Find all the news of the race in real time on www.transatjacquesvabre.org

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