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Thursday 27 January 2022

Kind-hearted boat owner donates yacht to club

 A kind-hearted boat owner has donated a yacht he has owned for 20 years to Fisherrow Yacht Club.

Jim Baird gave up the helm of the small Kinsman yacht called Wee Mo knowing she would be given the care and attention needed by club members.

In return, he received complimentary membership of the club as a thank you for his “very generous gift” of Wee Mo, which is easily recognisable as looking like a large dinghy amongst the boats tied to moorings at Fisherrow harbour. Mr Baird still hopes to continue to sail Wee Mo as a club member.

The yacht complements an identical class boat – a small six-metre day sailing yacht with no cabin –which was acquired by the club last summer.

As it has a lifting keel, it can lie on the mud and low tide and, when out on the open water, has 700kg hull weight to give the boat great stability so is “great” for family sailing and sailing novices.

This first Kinsman had no name until Wee Mo was donated to the club at the end of the 2021 sailing season. Club members started calling the unnamed boat Wee Jo – a play on Mojo.

Inez Visser, club spokesperson, said: “Both Mo and Jo were built approximately 35 years ago and, with continued exposure to elements, both require some renovation to ensure another 30 years of successful sailing.

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