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Tuesday 11 October 2022

End of Season Regatta at Horning Sailing Club

 Horning Sailing Club ended their 2022 season at the weekend in fantastic weather, with warm sunshine and a steady breeze. Over the weekend almost 40 boats revelled in the near-perfect conditions.

Competition was particularly fierce in the Rebels and Yares & Bures, with both seeing good turnouts. First Rebel and 3rd Overall was Kevin Edwards and Tim Wildman in Rebel Maid, winning both the Chieftain Trophy and Gage Memorial Cup, whilst in the Yare & Bures, 1st Overall and winning the Martin Dugdale Memorial Trophy was Alastair Fields crewed by Kevin Blackwell in Rosy Wave, with both Liz Goodyear sailing with Lorraine Street (Chalkhill Blue) and Clive Gardner and Hilary James (Hairstreak) both counting a win on Sunday.

The dinghy fleet, sailing Lasers and Splashes, enjoyed the conditions, with plenty of hiking out and capsizes in the Autumn sunshine. 1st Overall and winning the Bure Trophy in the Allcomers B Fleet was Chris Bolton sailing his Laser, despite strong competition from the whole fleet. Anya Gittins won the Allcomers C Last Trophy sailing her Topper, with close sailing from the remainder of the fleet - Abbey Penny, Jasmine Herring, Lily Herring and Charlie Gould.

In line with tradition, the canon is fired as the last boat finishes, which signifies the end of the season's sailing, this year sounding as Julian Mander crossed the line in his Splash, to huge cheers from those watching from the Clubhouse - a fitting end to the season as this young sailor has progressed in leaps and bounds.

End of Season Winners:

1st Overall (End of Season Trophy) and 1st Reedling (Parsons Dyke Quaich) - Jaws - Ezra Bailey

2nd Overall (Koh I Noor Challenge Tankard) and 1st Yeoman (Dydlers Mill Cup) - Tanskey - Toby Fields

3rd Overall (Gage Memorial Cup) and 1st Rebel (Chieftain Trophy) - Rebel Maid - Kevin Edwards

1st YBOD (Martin Dugdale Memorial Trophy) - Rosy Wave - Alastair Fields

1st Allcomers B (Bure Trophy) - Laser - Chris Bolton

1st Allcomers C (Last Trophy) - Elmo - Anya Gittins

1st River Cruiser (End of Season Cruiser Trophy) - Cygnet - Michael Reilly

1st Female Helm Overall (Ladies Trophy) - Cornelian - Caroline Johnson

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