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Wednesday 19 October 2022

RS Aero UK Youth Team Winter Training at Lymington Town Sailing Club

 The first RS Aero UK Youth Team Winter Training weekend at Lymington is complete, with a big thanks to Sammy Isaacs-Johnson and George Cousins for their great coaching. It was great to welcome new faces to the RS Aero youth training.

Big breeze on Saturday saw us all pushing our limits, with winds exceeding 20 knots and the increasingly challenging wind over tide bringing great surfing waves on the western Solent. It is fair to say everyone went for a swim at some point but we all improved and managed to stick to the planned training exercises and races.

Sunday brought calmer conditions with the wind filling in during the day. The wind across the 'magic carpet' tide created interesting learning points - especially for some of the lake sailors! The beauty of training at Lymington is that as the tide changes, every hour has different conditions. We managed to fit in another few races before heading back in for a de-brief.

Next up on the 7 weekend programme is Lee-on-Solent on 26/27th November, followed by Burghfield 10/11th December!

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