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Saturday 15 October 2022

RS Tera South West Squad Session at Paignton Sailing Club

 8th October at Paignton saw the first session of the new RS Tera South West Squad.

With 12 boats entered into the Squad this year, the session was led by Tera Class Association Coach Caitlin Morley, an experienced coach who previously sailed Teras herself.

The Squad is being run as part of the SWYSA (South West Youth Sailing Academy) Winter Training, and as well as being a separate fleet in the SWYSA events in the South West, there are two weekends where the South West Squad and Southern Squads will combine.

After a morning of very light winds, the afternoon was perfect champagne sailing, with a good breeze, sun and blue sky. Coach Caitlin build good rapport with the sailors, and the day was a very good start for the Squad.

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