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Monday 7 November 2022

Scorpion Youth National Championships competition for 2023, free entry and use of a boat

 Exciting news! We're launching a competition for some lucky youth pairings to win free entry to the 2023 Nationals and a boat to use. We will draw a new winner for every 5 entries that we get - so the more entries the more winners!

All entrants will get 50% off the Nationals Entry fee.

The championships will be held 6-11 August 2023 at Eastbourne Sovereign Sailing Club.

Please share this post with any youth pairings you think may like to try a Scorpion (youth is under 21 on the 6th August 2023).

And we already have a first winner: Michael and Daniel who usually sail an RS200 and are coming over from Ireland for the event.

To enter email helm name, crew name and what you currently sail to sailscorpioncompetition2023@mail.com

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