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Wednesday 11 January 2023

Liverpool Yacht Club First Race of 2023

 Sunday 8 January saw fifty-odd hardy souls brave 25 knot gusty drizzle to race the first of Liverpool Yacht Club's 2023 season on the upper reaches of the Mersey.

The course was set with one large triangle with 2 mile legs, followed by several windward-leeward 'loops'. The loops had various lengths for the three classes, with the Race Officer hoping all competitors would finish closely.

A big windshift turned the dead run against the tide into a broad reach which suited the A boats in Class 1 very well. They were able to sail their best angles whilst keeping (very) close to the Garston Promenade wall. This made for an impressive spectator sport for the various walkers taking a Sunday stroll.

Overall Results:

Class 1

1. Daydream

2. Easy Tiger

3. Run

Class 2

1. Skukusa

2. Lillibolero



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