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Sunday 26 March 2023

Brighton to Normandy yacht race: Entries open for historic event

 The Sussex Yacht club has announced the opening of entries to the Royal Escape Race, which see sailors race from Brighton to the Normandy port of Fécamp in May.

Launched in 1977 to mark the Queen’s Silver Jubilee, the annual event is one of the oldest offshore sailing races.

Celebrating the escape of King Charles II from England in 1651 after the Battle of Worcester, it follows the route that he took aboard a coal barge from Shoreham to reach safety at Fécamp.

This year’s race will start from Brighton’s Palace Pier on Friday May, 26, and will end at Fécamp in France, where racers will be welcomed at the Société des Régates de Fécamp (SRF) on the quayside.

The Sussex Yacht Club and SRF have planned an exciting programme of events for the race weekend, including an “on the water” prize giving which will be hosted at Fécamp. The official prize giving will then take place at Sussex Yacht Club on June 24.

For those who wish to enter, race entry is now open at https://www.sussexyachtclub.org.uk/royal-escape-race/, with early bird entry tickets available at £105 for all yachts.

The tickets include race entry, moorings in Fécamp, a race tracker and prize giving at the Société des Régates de Fécamp. 

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