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Friday 24 March 2023

Noble Marine Solo Winter Championship this Sunday 26th March

 The hastily re-arranged Solo Winter Championship, sponsored by our amazing Class Insurer Noble Marine will take place this Sunday at Northampton's Pitsford Reservoir.

Storm Larissa did a job on our last attempt, blanketing the midlands in snow and ice on the Friday preceding the event before thawing in less time it takes to put an under cover on, much to the frustration of many. As a responsible Committee, we take the safety of our travelling members seriously and so when travel information suggests hazardous conditions we have to take notice. Fortunately and surprisingly to me, even our more mature members are 'connected' to the World Wide Web so no one rocked up on the day apart from the Northampton members who must have wondered what all the fuss was about.

Special mention to club contact Maria E. Franco and our Midland Rep Kev Hall who dealt with the drama and pulled al the continuous control lines to shoe horn the class into the busy Northampton S.C. schedule.

So, a rare Sunday major event and with a forecast of 11-17 knots and 7-10 degrees, we just need lots of entries and no last minute weather events.

There will be 3 races, usually back to back, and Pitsford will provide a good test of skill, endurance, bravery and possibly some spills, all which will be captured on camera so come and be a hero/ heroine/other.

You can join the NSCA on the day or better still, do it online and enter the event now, it makes the club organising teams life much easier.

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