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Saturday 1 April 2023

Craftinsure Supernova Traveller Series at Bartley Sailing Club

 It was a wet and cold start to the day, but Bartley was pleased to welcome 30 helms from across the country to this ever popular open meeting. Could any of them beat the local fleet of Supernovas - the current holders of the national team prize?

Overall, Milliner took the overall win with three firsts, but this doesn't reflect the dog fight with Gifford across the whole day which could easily have seen a different outcome.

In the end it was domination from the visiting Cotswold helms who all showed excellent boat speed with them taking the top four places. S Hawley being the first home boat in fifth.

The closeness of the racing at the front of the fleet was echoed all the way through the 30 competitors. Everyone had a dogfight of sorts and there were some big smiles indicating a thoroughly great day sailing in this very friendly fleet.

Thanks to Elliot Rose and the race management team for making the event a success and to all the visitors who supported the event and the Craftinsure Travellers events over the year.

Many thanks to Bartley and the team - events like this don't run themselves.

Overall Results:

Pos Fleet Sail No Helm Club R1 R2 R3 Pts

1st Standard 1245 Cliff Milliner Cotswold ‑1 1 1 2

2nd Standard 1299 Will Gifford Cotswold ‑2 2 2 4

3rd Standard 1218 Hugo Hansen Cotswold 4 ‑7 3 7

4th Master 1280 Alex Reeve Cotswold 3 ‑5 5 8

5th Standard 1263 Stephen Hawley Bartley ‑7 4 4 8

6th Master 1264 Andrew Flitcroft Bolton 5 6 ‑9 11

7th Standard 0 Chris Hawley Bartley 10 3 (DNS) 13

8th Veteran 1267 Jeremy Higson Bartley 8 ‑10 6 14

9th Master 1257 Howard Eeles Bartley 6 8 ‑12 14

10th Veteran 1203 Steve Johnson Cotswold ‑17 9 8 17

11th Veteran 1139 Dana Church Notts (DNF) 12 7 19

12th Standard 1275 Iain Barlow 9 11 ‑13 20

13th Veteran 1234 Nick Whiles Girton 13 ‑14 10 23

14th Veteran 1160 Paul Undrell Cotswold 12 ‑17 11 23

15th Master 1228 Steve Jellicoe Olton Mere ‑16 13 15 28

16th Veteran 1171 Mark Meadows Teesdale 15 ‑25 14 29

17th Standard 1073 Josh Oates Bartley 14 15 (DNF) 29

18th Standard 1032 Paul Burton Girton 11 19 ‑20 30

19th Veteran 1167 Neil Boneham Bartley ‑24 18 16 34

20th Standard 1180 David Stephen Bartley ‑18 16 18 34

21st Veteran 1045 Dave Pennock Bartley 21 (DNF) 17 38

22nd Veteran 1305 Stuart Stephen Bartley ‑22 20 19 39

23rd Standard 1283 Giles Horwitch‑Smith Bartley 19 21 (DNS) 40

24th Master 1269 James Paterson Bartley 20 ‑23 22 42

25th Master 1282 Gareth Blakemore Bartley 23 22 ‑24 45

26th 1083 Serena Stewardson Emberton Park (DNS) 26 21 47

27th Veteran 1225 Ken Saunders Bartley ‑25 24 23 47

28th Standard 1021 Daniel Boddice Bartley (DNF) 27 25 52

29th Master 1239 David Cann Cardiff Bay (DNC) DNC DNC 62

29th Standard 1124 Colin Ricketts Bartley (DNF) DNS DNS 62

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