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Friday 7 April 2023

Hollingworth Lake Sailing Club

 On Sunday 2 April, there was plenty of sunshine and wind which are the ingredients for good racing. Richard and Heather Marsh, in their RS400, could have been on course to win all three races. However, they were too keen at the start of the second race and had to restart losing them the win, as they finished fourth.

The wind proved fickle in the first race, dying away at times, despite being from an easterly direction. The Marsh pair managed to hold off the challengers, with Mike Smith, in his Solo, in good form on his first outing of the season, holding off Nick Hornsby, also in a Solo. In the second race, it was Mike Smith who won, ahead of Nick Brook in his Phantom, with Nick Hornsby again in third place.

The wind had steadied for the third race with Richard and Heather Marsh holding off Chris Massey, with Andy McKee crewing, also in a RS400. In third place was Stuart Bates, crewed by Emma Turner, in a Merlin Rocket.

Now the clocks have gone forward, Wednesday evening racing starts again at the lake for the summer period.

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