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Monday 8 May 2023

Cirdan Sailing Trust celebrates 40th anniversary of helping disadvantaged young people

 The Cirdan Sailing Trust was founded in 1983, to allow disadvantaged young people access to sailing. 40 years later, we are still using sailing as way to develop young people, and our main focus is 12-25 year olds who are disadvantaged or facing difficulties in life.

The charity works across the youth sector to provide young people, in particular those who are disadvantaged, with an opportunity to develop life skills, increase self-confidence and self-esteem, build resilience and improve communication and teamwork skills. We do this through a residential experience aboard our large offshore sailing vessels where everyone becomes part of the crew both above and below deck to face the challenge and adventure of a sea voyage.

The experience has also proved to be beneficial with regards to improving mental health and well-being, especially since the stresses brought about by Covid.

We work with a wide range of organisations and individuals, such as SEN schools, homeless, young carers, the youth justice service, those with autism spectrum conditions and suffering with their mental health.

A sailing voyage takes young people away from their usual surroundings where they may be subject to negative influences and puts them into an alien environment where they must understand and accept authority, live and work as a team and be resilient. As the voyage progresses, they learn to accept the disciplines and constraints of life on board and alongside their peers and fellow crew members face up to the challenges that produce the positive outcomes.

Our voyages are self-catering, and we encourage leaders to involve the young people in planning healthy eating menus and budgeting prior to the voyage and then involve them in the food preparation and cooking once on board.

As part of our 40th celebrations we are aiming to raise additional funds of £40,000 to help us continue our work with disadvantaged young people, providing them with the opportunity for self-development through the challenge and adventure of life at sea.

Your support makes a difference to their lives: justgiving.com/campaign/cirdan40thanniversary

Our Voyage of Discovery Fund scheme subsidises the cost of a voyage to ensure young people, in particular those who are disadvantaged in their lives, can participate in and benefit from the challenge of life at sea. We rely on the generosity of grant making trusts and individual supporters to operate the scheme. Regular challenges we face include raising enough money to continue our work with young people.

We also rely on volunteers to help us during our winter refits, and recruitment of crew has been a challenge this year. We welcome any experienced, qualified crew to please get in touch!

We are very much looking forward to taking all three boats to London this year. Hermitage Community Moorings, whose generosity enables us to berth in London, has an open weekend on 16th-17th September. If you have sailed with us in the past 40 years, it would be great to see your photos and hear stories from your voyages, and if you are thinking of organising a voyage then we would love to welcome you aboard for a tour.

Get in touch via 01621 776684 or info@cirdantrust.org

Explore what the Trust does, and the three boats used: www.cirdantrust.org

Voyage of Discovery Fund donations: justgiving.com/campaign/cirdan40thanniversary

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