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Wednesday 26 July 2023

The Round Mersea Island Race 2023


The Round Mersea Island Race will this year take place on 2nd September with High Water at 1443 and a height of 5.7m - one of the highest of the year. Look at the Island photo for the full course of over 14 nautical miles.

The West Mersea YC opens for Registration at 10:00am on 2nd September .Breakfast in a bun will also be available to fuel up, you will need it.

The first start time is 11:30hrs and the last start time is 15:30.

The race for the Coconut Trophy is for one circumnavigation of Mersea Island, you can start anytime between 11:30 and 15:30. On the day at Registration you decide whether to be a Starboard rounding or Port rounding. When entering the event please note, your chosen start time and class of boat cannot be changed after receipt of entry. During your circumnavigation you will be required to cross the Strood, this is the road on/off the Island. The road will be flooded but you will need to decide how you plan to porter the boat over the road, friends and family are very useful...

There is also a Prize for doing two circumnavigations in one tide. Your first circumnavigation is included in the Coconut trophy and your second is a combination of both rounding which scores the Port and Starboard trophy. Nobody has ever won both in the same year. If you are interested contact wmycsailing@gmail.com for advice.

The entry form is on line together with a Notice of Race. Sailing Instructions are available after 25th August 2023 and the Fee of £25 per vessel per rounding, is payable at the same time as entry.

West Mersea Yacht club bar will be open at Noon until 2300hrs. Snacks will be available at lunchtime.

The last start time this year is 1530, it takes around a further three hours to get all the competitors back safely and everyone accounted for. The time limit is 1800hrs. We do not anticipate prize-giving being before 1900 hrs.

The evening barbecue will be from around 1915hrs. Cost is £15 per meal and the full menu is on the entry area. To help us we would appreciate it if you could buy tickets with on line entry as this does help us ensure we minimise any food waste.

It is a great annual challenge and is supported by the Mersea community. The Strood becomes a centre for support by families and friends, so bring your wellies and cameras and have a great afternoon. The support boats and radio boats will be deployed around the Island to keep an eye on everyone.

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