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Tuesday 9 January 2024

South West Tera Squad at Starcross Yacht Club


This week's Tera Squad saw 15 boats training at Starcross Yacht Club. With champagne sailing conditions, fantastic sun and 10-15 knots of wind, the day was led by Caitlin Morley, UKRSTCA coach, herself an accomplished Tera sailor in days past.

Following on from the last squad weekend, the focus was on starts, and honing start line skills. In the morning, the Teras split into two groups, each lead by very experienced coaches, and both focusing on the start line.

After a lovely lunch ashore, cooked by the parent-volunteer team in Starcross Yacht Club galley, the groups combined for the afternoon of rolling start practice and races.

Sailors made great progress, and it is coaching and practice like this that will make a real difference on the racecourse this coming summer.

As the light faded, sailors came ashore. After de-rigging and a debrief, Caitlin ran a early-evening lecture, with the Tera sailors fuelled by home-made cake donated by parents.

Another great day, and it's fantastic to see the Tera squad in the SW building.

A big thank you to all the coaches, volunteer helpers, and to Starcross Yacht Club for hosting.

If you sail a Tera, or think you might like to, please get in touch. There are plans afoot for a series of training and open events through the region this summer, so please do get in touch if you'd like to join in, or your sailing club might like to host an event.

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