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Wednesday 24 January 2024

South West Tera Squad event 2 at Starcross Yacht Club


A very windy Saturday saw the most recent South West Tera squad event, kindly hosted by Starcross Yacht Club. 11 Teras braved the forecast, and arrived at Starcross to find it slightly less windy than it could have been.

Class Association coach Caitlin Morley was assisted this week by Teddy, Dunn, himself an accomplished Tera (and now 49er) sailor. They were joined by two other Starcross sailors who both sailed Teras and are now in 29ers. Coaches like this provide great role models for the Tera sailors.

With this strong coaching team, the squad was able to run a good session. The morning focused on getting out and sailing as well as possible in the conditions; for many, simply launching was a big step. The squad worked on heavy weather sail controls and boat handling, and there was a certain amount of swimming!

After a hearty cooked pasta lunch ashore, the group split, some staying assure for theory sessions, and others braving the rising wind for some blasting, reaching to and fro across the estuary. Great fun!

One of the sessions was a talk by Duncan West, RYA Regional Performance Manager in the South and South West, about Transition into next boat. This was  an excellent talk, covering what to think about when making the transition into the next boat and how to get that right, and was very useful for both parents and sailors.

Teddy provided excellent feedback after the event, sharing video footage and coaching tips with the squad.

Many thanks to Starcross Yacht Club for hosting, to the coaching team, and to all the parent helpers and volunteers, without whom it would not be possible to run these events.

The next squad event is on 27th - 28th January at WPNSA, a joint 2-day camp, combining with the Tera South Squad.

Tera South West : -  www.facebook.com/groups/802548774294856

Starcross Yacht Club : -  www.starcrossyc.org.uk

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